Transition From CAR 30 To CASR Part 145

CASR145The new Civil Aviation Safety Regulations have come to Australian aviation after some years in the making. The RPT part of the industry is the first to comply, followed by other sectors. One of the lessons learned by maintenance organisations experienced in preparing their Part 145 Exposition document, is not to under resource this task. They found it to be a process to write, improve, amend, and write again. The CASA web site has a very good range of material to help anyone reparing their 145 application, and is a great resource. 

Aero Compliance believes that it is very important that organisations which decide to achieve Part 145 approval have persons from within, participating in the preparation of their Exposition and supporting procedures. This ensures an intimate knowledge of how the organisation will comply, and forms a “brains trust” on the subject which can be drawn upon into the future. Engaging Aero Compliance to guide and assist with the preparatiion will bring efficiencies to the process.

CASR Part 145: What’s In It For You And Your Organisation?

  • An opportunity to review and improve the systems and processes that your maintenance organisation already has in place to operatre safely
  • An opportunity to get new business
  • An opportunity to stay in business

Aero Compliance is experienced preparing CASR Part 145 Maintenance Organisation Expositions. Click here for some tips which may be useful.